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Clarita Greenhouse
N3795 Rd & Main St & O'Neal St
Clarita, Oklahoma 74535
Plant varieties ordered from Dave Wilson Nursery for 2025:
Lapins Cherry
Self-fruitful, dark red sweet cherry from Canada. Large, firm, good flavor. Similar to Van in color, Bing in shape. Sometimes sold as ‘Self-fertile Bing.’ Ripens 4 days after Bing. 500 hours or less. USDA Zones 5-9.
Minnie Royal Cherry
Medium-sized red cherry, firm with good flavor. Ripens 11-14 days ahead of Bing. Tree is very productive with a low chill requirement. Pollenized by Royal Lee and Royal Crimson. 200-300 hours. (Pat. No. 12942) (Zaiger)
Stella Cherry
Self-fruitful - no pollenizer needed. Large, nearly black, richly flavored sweet cherry similar to its parent, Lambert. Late harvest. 400 hours. Pollinates Bing, except in mild winter climates. USDA Zones 5-9.
Chicago Hardy Fig
Late season mahogany to purple fruit are set on current season’s growth. One of the most frost hardy of all figs. Known to grow into zone 5. Little to no breba crop. Best quality late summer through fall. Required chill 100 hours or less. Self-fruitful. Best in zones 5-10
Desert King Fig
(A.k.a. “King”) Light green ‘white’ skin, strawberry colored pulp. Rich flavor, excellent fresh eating quality. Large breba (spring) crop. Later crop is light in hot climates, heavier in coastal climates. Prune only lightly, occasionally. (Heavy winter pruning removes breba crop.) 100 hours. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 5-9.
Improved Brown Turkey Fig
Large, brown skin, pink flesh. Sweet, rich flavor, used fresh. Widely adapted - coast or inland climate. Small tree, prune to any shape. 100 hours. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 7-9.
Peter's Honey Fig
Beautiful, shiny, greenish-yellow fruit when ripe. Very sweet, dark, amber flesh. High quality. Superb for fresh eating. Warm location with a southern exposure is required for ripening fruit in maritime Northwest. Originated in Sicily. Good cold tolerance. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 6-10.
Violette de Bordeaux Fig
Small to medium size purple-black fruit with a very deep red strawberry pulp and distinctive, sweet, rich flavor. Brebas are pear-shaped with a thick, tapering neck; main crop figs are variable, often without neck. Medium eye. Excellent fresh or dried. A naturally small (semi dwarf) tree. Frost hardy. Good for container culture or small spaces. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 5-10.
Bluecrop Northern Highbush Blueberry
No. 1 variety, the standard of excellence. Upright, vigorous, Northern Highbush. Very productive. Large, firm, great flavor. Fruit does not drop or crack. Tolerates hot summers if soil is moist, acidic, and high in humus. 800 hours. Self-fruitful.
Blueray Northern Highbush Blueberry
Best Northern Highbush variety for hot climates. Large, firm fruit, excellent flavor. Upright, vigorous bush, very productive. Blueberry culture requires soil that is moist, acidic, and high in humus. 800 hours. Self-fruitful
Jewel Southern Highbush Blueberry
One of California's leading commercial varieties due to its high adaptability. Exceptional growth and high yields. Midseason harvest of large to very large berries with tangy sweet flavor. Chill requirement estimated at 200 hours. Self-fruitful, zones 7-10. (U.S Plant Patent #11807)
Jubilee Southern Highbush Blueberry
Southern Highbush. Midseason, sweet, firm berry. Upright and quite compact, with fruit borne on the outer periphery of the bush. Chilling requirement is estimated at 400-500 hours.
O'Neal Southern Highbush Blueberry
Southern Highbush (low chill, tolerates heat). Large fruit is especially sweet and flavorful. Early season. Soil must be acidic, high in humus. 5-6 ft. bush. 200 hours. Self-fruitful, but plant two varieties for largest crops.
Pink Lemonade Northern Highbush Blueberry
A hybrid of Rabbiteye and Southern Highbush. A recently released selection developed in the 1970s by U.S.D.A. Beautiful interior and exterior pink colors develop with peak ripeness. Unique sprightly sweet flavor - highly desired by dessert chefs. Used as contrast with blue varieties. Zones 4-9. Self-fruitful. Est. chill requirement 300 hours.
Sunshine Blue Southern Highbush Blueberry
Southern highbush. Great flavored firm berries. Ripens May 10 through June 15 at Gainesville, Florida. Semi-dwarf evergreen bush with great fall color. Showy hot pink flowers fade to white in spring. Self-fruitful. Estimated chilling required 150 hours, but very cold hardy as well.
Top Hat Southern Highbush Blueberry
Northern Highbush hybrid, a lowbush dwarf variety growing to 16-24" tall. Medium, firm, sweet, light blue berries that last for several weeks. Good flavor. Completely covered with white, bell shaped flowers for several weeks. Great fall color. Self-fruitful. Perfect for growing in a pot on the patio or indoors in a sunny window. Hardy in USDA Zones 3-8.