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Johnny's Nursery
13024 San Timoteo Canyon Road
Redlands, California 92374
Plant varieties ordered from Dave Wilson Nursery for 2025:
Anna Apple
Remarkable fruit for mild winter climates in So. Calif., So. Ariz. Heavy crops of sweet, crisp, flavorful apples even in low desert. Fresh/cooked. Keeps 2 months in refrigerator. 200 hours. Self-fruitful or pollenized by Dorsett Golden or Einshemer. USDA Zones 5-10.
Gala Apple
Wonderful dessert apple from New Zealand. Crisp, nice blend of sweetness and tartness, rich flavor. Skin reddish orange over yellow. Early harvest, 2 - 3 weeks before Red Delicious. Good pollenizer for other varieties. Adapted to cold- and warm-winter climates. Chilling requirement less than 500 hours. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 4-10.
Lady Williams Apple
Originated about 1935 as a chance seedling found growing on the Williams farm in Donnybrook, Western Australia. Medium sized rounded fruit becomes much larger when thinned. Exterior color is a bright pink - red with striping. Firm white flesh is crisp and juicy. Flavor is pleasant, sweet and balanced. Quality improves the longer the fruit hangs on the tree. This heirloom variety is good for all uses, fresh, sauce, baking and cider. Fruit harvests fall into winter. Pollination required with another mid to late season blooming variety. Some pollinators include Fuji, Granny Smith, King David, Pink Lady and Sundowner. Low chill requirement of 200 to 300 hours. Adaptable to USDA zones 4 to 10
Red Fuji Apple
Redder skinned bud sport of Fuji. Sweet, very crisp and flavorful, excellent keeper. Ripe September-October in Central CA. Excellent pollenizer for other apple varieties. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 5-9.
Sundowner® Apple
A sister plant to the popular Pink Lady® selection, Sundowner® has a sweet, crispy, white flesh and excellent flavor. Considered a late harvest variety ripening from October well into winter in most areas. Does well under extreme fruit growing conditions such as southern fruit growing districts and deserts with little or no damage to the fruit. Chill requirement of 200 to 300 hours with high chill adaptability. Self-fruitful.
Spice Zee NectaPlum™ Interspecific Nectarine
The first NectaPlum® from Zaiger Hybrids. White-fleshed, nectarine x plum. Skin is dark maroon at fruit set, and turns pale pink when ripe. Fully ripe fruit is unparalleled in flavor, and both nectarine and plum traits are easily detectable. The tree is quite ornamental: tremendous purplish pink bloom in the spring followed by a flourish of red leaves which mature into lush green in late summer. Self-fruitful. Very productive. 200-300 hours. High chill adaptable. (Pat. No. 13503) (Zaiger)