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Jungle Nursery
1550 East Dana Ave
Mesa, AZ 85204
Plant varieties ordered from Dave Wilson Nursery for 2025:
Chico Jujube
(G17-62) “Chinese date.” Round, flat-bottomed, sweet fruit of medium size. Partly self-fruitful. 200 hours. USDA Zones 5-9.
Anna Apple
Remarkable fruit for mild winter climates in So. Calif., So. Ariz. Heavy crops of sweet, crisp, flavorful apples even in low desert. Fresh/cooked. Keeps 2 months in refrigerator. 200 hours. Self-fruitful or pollenized by Dorsett Golden or Einshemer. USDA Zones 5-10.
Dorsett Golden Apple
Outstanding sweet apple for warm winter areas. Firm, very flavorful, sweet like Golden Delicious. Productive throughout So.CA and Phoenix, AZ. Good early season sweet apple for Central CA. 100 hours. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 5-10.
Fuji Apple
Introduction from Japan that quickly became California’s favorite apple. Sweet, very crisp and flavorful, excellent keeper. Dull reddish orange skin, sometimes russeted. Ripe mid-September. Excellent pollenizer for other apple varieties. Low chilling requirement - less than 500 hours. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 4-9.
Gala Apple
Wonderful dessert apple from New Zealand. Crisp, nice blend of sweetness and tartness, rich flavor. Skin reddish orange over yellow. Early harvest, 2 - 3 weeks before Red Delicious. Good pollenizer for other varieties. Adapted to cold- and warm-winter climates. Chilling requirement less than 500 hours. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 4-10.
Delight Cherry-Plum Interspecific Plum
Japanese plum x cherry-plum. Flavorful, tangy, clingstone. Heavy crops. Very productive, even under adverse conditions. 400 hours. Pollenizer required. Pollenized by Sprite. (Zaiger)
Sprite Cherry-Plum Interspecific Plum
Japanese plum x cherry-plum. Sweet, freestone, not tart. Flavorful, refreshing wonderful fresh eating. Ripe fruit holds on tree 3-4 weeks. Adapted to most climates. 400 hours. Pollenized by Delight. (Zaiger)
Green Gage (Bavay's) European Plum
Superior selection of gage-type European plum. Small to medium-sized, richly flavored & very sweet. Excellent fresh and for cooking. More productive in moderate winter climates than common Green Gage. Originated in Belgium in 19th century. Estimated winter chilling requirement 700 hours. Self-fruitful.
GA 866 Jujube
“Chinese date.” Outstanding, two-inch elongated fruit is exceptionally sweet with apple-like flavor. Ripens mid-autumn. Partly self-fruitful or pollenize with another jujube. 200 hours. USDA Zones 5-9.
Honey Jar Jujube
“Chinese date.” Extremely sweet, small to medium sized round fruit. Compact tree-form does well in drought conditions. Party self-fruitful. 200 hours USDA Zones 5-9.
Sugar Cane Jujube
Round fruit is smaller than Li. Sweet, crunchy flesh. Tree is precocious, hardy, drought resistant, virtually pest and disease free. Requires long, hot summer. Very low chill requirement. Partly self-fruitful.
Cooke's Pakistan Mulberry
(Morus alba sp.) Selection of Pakistan mulberry. Very sweet fruit to 5 inches long. Heavy bearing beginning in early July. Self-fruitful. Estimated chilling requirement 200 hours. May not be reliably hardy in zones colder than USDA Zone 9.
Pakistan Fruiting Mulberry
Morus alba 'Pakistan'
Long (3 inches), firm, red to black, sweet fruit. Non-staining juice. Month-long early summer harvest. Fruit used fresh and for pies, jams and jellies. Large, vigorous, disease-resistant tree.
Sauzee King Nectarine
First 'donut' style nectarine from Zaiger Hybrids. Outstanding early season variety has white flesh that is sweet and juicy. Red skin, blushed with yellow. Tree sets fruit at a young age and produces heavily. Thinning is required for large fruit size. Estimated chilling requirement 500 hours or less. (Pat. No. 16258) (Zaiger)
Donut (Stark Saturn) White Peach
Also called Saucer or Peento peach. Unique white-fleshed fruit with a sunken center (shaped like a doughnut). Sweet, with a mild flavor described by some as almond-like. Ripens late June/early July in Central CA. Estimated chilling requirement 200-300 hours. Self-fruitful.
Galaxy White Peach
Saucer style white-fleshed peach, similar to Stark Saturn but larger, 6 oz fruit. Cream skin, blushed red. Sweet, flavorful flesh. Developed by USDA research station in San Joaquin Valley, CA. Ripens late June. Self-fruitful. 450 hours. USDA Zones 5-10.
Tropic Snow White Peach
Delicious white freestone for warm-winter climates: balanced acid and sugar, superb flavor. Harvest begins mid-June in Central CA, about three weeks before Babcock. Showy blossoms in spring. From Florida, introduced in 1988. Very low winter chilling requirement, about 200 hours. Self-fruitful.
Fuyu (Jiro) Persimmon
(“Apple Persimmon”) Medium size, flat shape, still crunchy when ripe, non-astringent. Cool or hot climate. Hardy, attractive tree, practically pest free. Fall harvest. 200 hours. Self-fruitful.
Burgundy Plum
Maroon colored skin and semi-freestone flesh. Sweet, with little or no tartness and a very pleasing, mild flavor. High taste test scores. Prolonged harvest, mid-July to mid-August in Central CA. Very productive tree with narrow, upright habit. 300 hours. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 5-9.
Emerald Southern Highbush Blueberry
Produces abundant clusters of large to very large berries with tasty, balanced sweet flavor. Very productive and highly rated. Zones 7-10. Self-fruitful. Estimated at 250 hours chill or less. (U.S. Plant Patent #12165)
Boysenberry Thornless
Rubus ursinus var. loganobaccus, a hybrid of blackberry, raspberry, dewberry and loganberry. Very large berry up to 2.5", dark maroon in color with an intense, tangy, sweet flavor. Excellent quality with few seeds and a pleasant aroma. Vine-like trailing growth habit. Harvest through summer. Self-fruitful, best in zones 5-10.
Kiowa Blackberry
The largest and possibly thorniest of the U of Arkansas introductions. 3" long, firm and highly flavored. Fruits for 6 weeks. Upright growth requires no support. Very adaptable. USDA Zones 5-10. Low winter chill makes it productive in both coastal and desert climates.
Prime Ark Freedom® Blackberry
First thornless primocane blackberry, from U of Arkansas. Large fruit with good flavor, floricane fruit ripens early July. New canes (primocanes) begin fruiting mid-August in years when summer heat is not excessive. For home gardens and local markets; short storage life. Upright growth habit, but may require some support. USDA Zones 5-9. Pat. No. 26990.
Concord (Eastern) Grape
Versatile, long-time favorite American grape. Blue-black berry with rich, distinctive flavor, used for table, juice, jelly and wine. 100 hours. Self-fruitful. Cane prune.
Concord Seedless Grape
American grape, a sport of Concord. Berries very similar to Concord, but seedless (or seeds very rare). Bluish-black skin, green flesh, distinctive Concord flavor. 100 hours. Self-fruitful. Cane prune.
Flame Seedless Grape
Medium-sized, light red. Crisp, sweet, excellent flavor. For fresh use or raisins. Needs hot summer. Ripens before Thompson. Vigorous. 100 hours. Self-fruitful. Cane or spur prune.
Golden Muscat Grape
American/European hybrid. Large, eggshaped berries are pale golden yellow when ripe. Characteristic European muscat flavor and aroma. 100 hours. Self-fruitful. Spur prune.
Lady Finger Grape
Large, elongated, light green thick skin, seeded. Valued for distinctive appearance and excellent tart-sweet flavor. Late season (fall) harvest. 100 hours. Cane or spur prune.
Ruby Seedless Grape
Dark red, sweet, crisp, excellent fresh or for raisins. Ripens after Thompson Seedless. Requires less summer heat than Thompson or Flame. 100 hours. Self-fruitful. Cane or spur prune.
Thompson Seedless Grape
Most popular grape in CA, AZ. Fresh and raisins. Pale green, very sweet. Thin the clusters for larger berries. Needs plenty of heat. 100 hours. Self-fruitful. Cane prune.
All-in-One Genetic Semi-Dwarf Almond
No. 1 almond for home orchards. Heavy crops of soft shell nuts with sweet, flavorful kernels. Hot summer required to ripen. 15 ft. tree, very winter and frost hardy. 300-400 hrs. Self-fruitful. (Zaiger)
Early Pink Flowering Peach
Prunus persica 'Early Pink'
Very early, bright pink blossoms. Used for Chinese New Year in Southern California. Fast growth to 20 by 20 ft. Prune after bloom and again in early summer for profuse bloom the following spring.
Early White Flowering Peach
Peppermint Flowering Peach
Prunus persica 'Peppermint'
Naturally-occurring, artistic assortment of red, white, pink and variegated double flowers. Very showy and unusual. Fast growth to 20 ft. high by 20 ft. wide.
Pink Lady Flowering Quince
(Chaenomeles x superba ‘Pink Lady’) Compact shrub with showy pink flowers. USDA zones 5-8.
Issai Perfect Wisteria
Extremely long clusters of light violet flowers to 3 ft. in length.
Golden Rain Tree
Koelreuteria paniculata
(Koelreuteria paniculata) Slowly reaches 30 by 30 ft. Open habit, gives light shade. Compound leaves, yellow flower clusters, ornamental seed pods. Tolerates heat, wind, drought, cold, alkaline soil. USDA Zones 6-10.