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Sunshine Growers - Eastvale
12441 Riverside Drive
Eastvale, California 91752
Plant varieties ordered from Dave Wilson Nursery for 2025:
Anna Apple
Remarkable fruit for mild winter climates in So. Calif., So. Ariz. Heavy crops of sweet, crisp, flavorful apples even in low desert. Fresh/cooked. Keeps 2 months in refrigerator. 200 hours. Self-fruitful or pollenized by Dorsett Golden or Einshemer. USDA Zones 5-10.
Granny Smith Apple
From New Zealand. Large, late, green, all-purpose. Crisp, tart, excellent keeper. Requires long summer. Thrives in hot climates. 400 hours. Prolonged bloom: good pollenizer for other apples. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 6-9.
Multi-Bud Apple Low-Chill, Anna-Fuji-Dorsett Gldn-Gordon
Anna, Fuji, Dorsett Golden and Gordon budded onto M-111 rootstock. Finished trees include 4n1's plus assorted 3n1's and 2n1's.
Pink Lady® Apple
Hot climate apple from Western Australia. Very crisp, sweet tart, distinct flavor, good keeper. Skin reddish pink over green when ripe. White flesh resists browning. Harvest begins late October in Central CA, about three weeks after Fuji. Self-fruitful in many western U.S. climates; pollenizer recommended for best production. 300-400 hours. USDA Zones 6-9.
Flavor Delight Aprium® Interspecific Apricot
Apricot-plum hybrid. Resembles an apricot but with a distinctive flavor and texture all its own. High taste-test scores, one of the most flavorful early season fruits. Early June. Very low chilling requirement, less than 300 hours. Self-fruitful, but largest crops when pollenized by another apricot. (Zaiger)
Multi-Bud Cherry, Rainier-Bing-Utah Giant-Van
Rainier, Bing, Utah Giant and Van budded onto Mazzard rootstock. Finished trees include 4n1's plus assorted 3n1's and 2n1's.
Royal Lee Cherry
Medium-sized red cherry, very firm with excellent flavor. Ripens 11-14 days ahead of Bing, Tree is very productive with a low chill requirement. Pollenized by Minnie Royal and Royal Crimson. 200 to 300 hours. (Pat. No.12417) (Zaiger)
Royal Rainier Cherry
Large yellow cherry with slightly more red blush than Rainier. Excellent flavor, taste test winner. Ripens early, about 3-5 days ahead of Rainier. Chill requirement 500 hours. Pollenized by Bing, Black Tartarian and Lapins. USDA Zones 5-9. (Zaiger)
Multi-Bud Fruit Salad, JulElb-Fantasia-Babcock-SRosa-Blenh
July Elberta Peach, Fantasia Nectarine, Babcock White Peach, Santa Rosa Plum and Blenheim Apricot budded onto Nemaguard rootstock. Finished trees include 5n1's plus assorted 4n1's and 3n1's.
Li Jujube
“Chinese date.” The most popular jujube variety. Round shaped fruits are larger than Lang. Reddish brown, dry and wrinkled, sweet and chewy (like dates) when fully ripe in early fall. Attractive, easy to grow tree: hardy, drought resistant, virtually pest and disease free. Requires long, hot summer. Very low chilling requirement. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 5-10.
Desert Delight Nectarine
Proven producer in warm winter climates and highly recommended as an early season nectarine elsewhere. Large fruit with bright red skin, yellow flesh and delicious, rich, nectarine flavor. Harvest mid-June in Central CA. 100-200 hours. Self-fruitful. (Zaiger)
Goldmine White Nectarine
Long-time favorite in California and Western Oregon. Small to medium-sized white-fleshed freestone. Aromatic, juicy and sweet. Ripe in August. 400 hours. Self-fruitful.
Babcock White Peach
Long-time favorite white-fleshed freestone. Sweet and juicy, aromatic, low in acid. High scoring in taste tests. Ripens mid-July in Central CA. Widely adapted (low chill requirement, yet not early blooming). 250-300 hours. Self-fruitful.
Donut (Stark Saturn) White Peach
Also called Saucer or Peento peach. Unique white-fleshed fruit with a sunken center (shaped like a doughnut). Sweet, with a mild flavor described by some as almond-like. Ripens late June/early July in Central CA. Estimated chilling requirement 200-300 hours. Self-fruitful.
Fay Elberta Peach
Popular yellow freestone: juicy, moderately sweet, flavorful. Fresh/can/freeze/dry. Ripens 1-2 days later than Elberta in Central CA. (August 1st), but blooms earlier. 700 hours. Self-fruitful.
Multi-Bud Peach Low-Chill, MayPr-DGold-MidPr-Flpr-EPr
May Pride, Desert Gold, Mid-Pride, Flordaprince and Eva's Pride budded onto Nemaguard rootstock. Finished trees include 5n1's plus assorted 4n1's and 3n1's.
Multi-Bud Pear Asian, Hosui-Shinseiki-20thCent-Chojuro
Hosui, Shinseiki, 20th Century and Chojuro budded onto OHxF333 rootstock. Finished trees include 4n1's plus assorted 3n1's and 2n1's.
Fuyu (Jiro) Persimmon
(“Apple Persimmon”) Medium size, flat shape, still crunchy when ripe, non-astringent. Cool or hot climate. Hardy, attractive tree, practically pest free. Fall harvest. 200 hours. Self-fruitful.
Giant Fuyu Persimmon
Larger, not as flat as Fuyu. Crunchy when ripe like Fuyu. Sweet, flavorful, non astringent. Easy to grow, cool or hot climates. Fall harvest. 200 hours. Self-fruitful.
Hachiya Persimmon
Large, deep orange-red, acorn-shaped. Hot summer required to mature the fruit. Sweet, flavorful, astringent until soft ripe. Mature fruit can be frozen and thawed to ripen. Productive, ornamental tree. 200 hours. Self-fruitful.
Burgundy Plum
Maroon colored skin and semi-freestone flesh. Sweet, with little or no tartness and a very pleasing, mild flavor. High taste test scores. Prolonged harvest, mid-July to mid-August in Central CA. Very productive tree with narrow, upright habit. 300 hours. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 5-9.
Multi-Bud Plum Low Chill, Japanese, Me-Be-SR-Bu-GN
Methley, Beauty, Santa Rosa, Burgundy and Golden Nectar budded onto Citation rootstock. Finished trees include 5n1's plus assorted 4n1's and 3n1's.
Multi-Bud Pluot® I.S. Plum, Fl King-Fl Queen-Fl Supr-DapDan
Flavor King, Flavor Queen, Flavor Supreme and Dapple Dandy budded onto Citation rootstock. Finished trees include 4n1's plus assorted 3n1's and 2n1's.
Emerald Southern Highbush Blueberry
Produces abundant clusters of large to very large berries with tasty, balanced sweet flavor. Very productive and highly rated. Zones 7-10. Self-fruitful. Estimated at 250 hours chill or less. (U.S. Plant Patent #12165)
Misty Southern Highbush Blueberry
Southern Highbush. Early season. In the West Misty is quite vigorous, growing very well on the coast and in the inland heat. This especially flavorful fruit does well in areas with chilling as low as 150 hours and all areas with mild winters and hot summers.
O'Neal Southern Highbush Blueberry
Southern Highbush (low chill, tolerates heat). Large fruit is especially sweet and flavorful. Early season. Soil must be acidic, high in humus. 5-6 ft. bush. 200 hours. Self-fruitful, but plant two varieties for largest crops.
Baba Red Raspberry
Everbearing Red Raspberry - Extra large berries up to 1 1/2" long. Wonderful warm weather variety particularly well suited to Southern California’s coastal and inland valleys. Fine flavor and good for all uses. Bears heavy crop May-July with a smaller late summer crop through fall. Hardy to zero degrees. Self-fruitful. Best in zones 6-11.
Boysenberry Thornless
Rubus ursinus var. loganobaccus, a hybrid of blackberry, raspberry, dewberry and loganberry. Very large berry up to 2.5", dark maroon in color with an intense, tangy, sweet flavor. Excellent quality with few seeds and a pleasant aroma. Vine-like trailing growth habit. Harvest through summer. Self-fruitful, best in zones 5-10.
Canby Thornless Raspberry
Thornless - the only red thornless raspberry. Large to very large fruit are firm, juicy and of fine flavor. Good for all uses. Viroid and aphid resistant. Very winter hardy, grows best in cooler summer areas. Harvest June, July. Self-fruitful, best in zones 4-9.
Nova Red Raspberry
Medium size dark red fruit. Mild flavor. Firm when ripe and very suited for U-pick, fresh market and freezing. Bears early May, June. Disease resistant, very cold hardy. Very few thorns. Self-fruitful. Best in zones 3 - 9, but also has done well in zones 10 and 11.
Goji Berry
Lycium barbarum (aka Wolfberry) Highly acclaimed for high nutrient and antioxidant value. Recently termed a superfood. Ripe berries can be used fresh, dried, frozen and in teas. Goji has an appealing spicy, nutty flavor. Berries are bright red-orange when ripe. Harvest summer through fall. Shrubby plant to 8-12 ft. or prune to desired manageable size. Hardy to sub-zero and very drought tolerant once established. Requires neutral to slightly alkaline soil. Well adapted to container growing. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 4-11.
Flame Seedless Grape
Medium-sized, light red. Crisp, sweet, excellent flavor. For fresh use or raisins. Needs hot summer. Ripens before Thompson. Vigorous. 100 hours. Self-fruitful. Cane or spur prune.
Ruby Seedless Grape
Dark red, sweet, crisp, excellent fresh or for raisins. Ripens after Thompson Seedless. Requires less summer heat than Thompson or Flame. 100 hours. Self-fruitful. Cane or spur prune.
Thompson Seedless Grape
Most popular grape in CA, AZ. Fresh and raisins. Pale green, very sweet. Thin the clusters for larger berries. Needs plenty of heat. 100 hours. Self-fruitful. Cane prune.
Tomuri Male Kiwi
Actinidia chinensis, aka A. deliciosa. Pollenizer for Vincent female. Does not bear fruit. One male can pollenize up to eight Vincent females.
Vincent Female Kiwi
Actinidia chinesis, aka A. deliciousa. Low chilling requirement, adapted to Southern CA. Tasty, well-regarded fuzzy-skinned fruit. Pollenized by Tomuri Male.
All-in-One Genetic Semi-Dwarf Almond
No. 1 almond for home orchards. Heavy crops of soft shell nuts with sweet, flavorful kernels. Hot summer required to ripen. 15 ft. tree, very winter and frost hardy. 300-400 hrs. Self-fruitful. (Zaiger)
Issai Perfect Wisteria
Extremely long clusters of light violet flowers to 3 ft. in length.
Purple No. 1 Wisteria
Early bloomer, usually flowers the first season. Long clusters of dark purple flowers.
Fruitless Mulberry
Morus alba 'Fruitless'
Fast-growing, to 40 by 50 ft., dense shade. Tolerates summer heat, alkaline soil. Drought tolerant, but best with ample water and feeding. Not necessary to prune back to trunk each winter. All zones.
Forest Pansy Redbud
Cercis canadensis 'Forest Pansy'
(Cercis canadensis `Forest Pansy’) Striking scarlet-colored new foliage turning maroon then green as the leaves mature. Highly valued as a landscape accent. Swelling buds break pinkish-red along the bare branches, similar to Eastern redbud. Moderate grower to 20 ft. with a spreading habit. USDA Zones 4-9.
Oklahoma Redbud
Cercis canadensis 'Oklahoma'
(Cercis canadensis ‘Oklahoma’) Spectacular purplish-red flower clusters in early spring (after flowering plums, before flowering crabapples). Attractive tree with round-shaped canopy and glossy, heart-shaped leaves. Tolerates hot summers. Largest of the redbuds, to 30-35 ft. USDA Zones 4-9.
Western Redbud
Cercis occidentalis
(Cercis occidentalis) Single or multi-trunked tree to 15 by 15 ft. Spectacular, bright purplish-pink sweet-pea-shaped flowers. Yellow to red fall color. Drought tolerant, resistant to oak root fungus. USDA Zones 4-9.