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Wyntour Gardens
8026 Airport Road
Redding, California 96002
Plant varieties ordered from Dave Wilson Nursery for 2025:
Sharp Velvet Pomegranate
Large sized pomegranate with a very appealing, unique, mildly acid, refreshing flavor. Fruit has a dark red exterior and dark seeds the color of crushed red velvet. Upright growing plant sets huge crops of highly ornamental fruit and can be kept any height with summer pruning. Eat fresh or use in cooking. An excellent source of antioxidants. Requires 150-200 chill hours. Self-fruitful.
Wonderful Pomegranate
Large, purple-red fruit with delicious, tangy flavor. Best quality in hot inland climate. Gaudy red orange bloom, ornamental foliage. Long-lived, any soil. 150 hours. Self-fruitful.
French Improved Prune
California's commercial prune. Reddish purple skin,dark amber flesh. Very sweet, high quality fruit dessert/can/dry. 800 hours. Self-fruitful.
Italian Prune
Large, purple skin, freestone. Rich flavor, very sweet when fully ripe. Fresh/dried/canned. Vigorous, cold hardy tree. Late bloom. Late summer harvest. 800 hours. Self-fruitful.
Stanley Prune
Large, dark blue skin. Juicy, sweet, delicious, greenish-yellow meaty flesh, freestone. Late summer harvest. Late blooming, extremely cold hardy and reliable. 800 hours. Self-fruitful.
Cooke's Jumbo Quince
Extremely large fruit: twice the size of other quince varieties. Pear-shaped, with yellowish-green skin and white flesh. Good for cooking, pies, candy, jelly. Discovered at Dinuba, CA. Self-fertile. Mature height 12-15 ft. 100 hours. Cold hardy to zone 5.
Pineapple Quince
Heavy crops of large, tart fruit used in baking, jams, and jellies. Profuse, ornamental bloom. Cold hardy, yet low chilling requirement 300 hours. Self-fruitful.
Smyrna Quince
Extremely large fruit with light yellow flesh, bright yellow skin. Attractive tree (or multi-stemmed shrub) has dark green foliage & very showy bloom. Tolerates wet soil. 300 hours. Self-fruitful.
Jelly Bean® Blueberry
Medium to large flavorful blueberries that harvests mid-summer. Unique, elongated leaves make this compact grower great for the edible landscape or patio pot. Self-fruitful. Zones 4-9. Est. chill requirement 600 hours or less. U.S. plant patent no. 24662.
Peach Sorbet® Blueberry
This compact-growing blueberry is a stunner: leaves of peach, pink, orange and emerald green. White bell-shaped flowers in spring, followed by sweet, medium size blueberries in summer. Mounded shape, growing to 1 1/2 -2 ft. In most climates, the leaves are held throughout winter, turning to a rich purple color. Est. chill requirement 300 hrs or less. USDA zones 5-10. Self-fruitful. U.S. Plant Pat. No.23325.
Pink Icing® Blueberry
Sweet, large berries that harvest in early summer. The new foliage is pink before turning green, eventually turning an iridescent turquoise in the winter. This attractive, compact growing plant is ideal for the patio pot. Self-fruitful. Zones 5-10. Est. chill requirement 500 hours or less. U.S. plant patent no. 23336.
Sharpblue Southern Highbush Blueberry
Southern highbush. Excellent flavor. Nearly evergreen in mild winter climates. Bears fruit nearly year-round. Vigorous plant to 6 ft. Dime-sized dark blue fruit. 200 hours.
Anne Raspberry
The largest and best tasting of the yellow raspberries. Bears summer into fall. Very sweet, quarter-size fruit. Requires good drainage. Highly adaptable but can experience winter cane dieback in colder climates. Productive in the Gulf Coast region. Low-chill. USDA Zones 3-10.
Baba Red Raspberry
Everbearing Red Raspberry - Extra large berries up to 1 1/2" long. Wonderful warm weather variety particularly well suited to Southern California’s coastal and inland valleys. Fine flavor and good for all uses. Bears heavy crop May-July with a smaller late summer crop through fall. Hardy to zero degrees. Self-fruitful. Best in zones 6-11.
Baby Cakes® Blackberry
A dwarf, bush blackberry perfect for the patio pot. This thornless variety produces large, sweet berries in the summer often with a second crop in most regions. U.S. plant patent # 27,032. Self-fruitful. Zones 4-9. Est. chill requirement 400 hours.
Black Satin Blackberry
Thornless - Large firm berries 1.5" to 2", glossy black color fading to dull when ripe. Highly productive, semi-trailing vine with minimal suckering. Midseason harvest. Self- fruitful, but more productive with a second variety. Best in zones 5-9.
Boysenberry Thornless
Rubus ursinus var. loganobaccus, a hybrid of blackberry, raspberry, dewberry and loganberry. Very large berry up to 2.5", dark maroon in color with an intense, tangy, sweet flavor. Excellent quality with few seeds and a pleasant aroma. Vine-like trailing growth habit. Harvest through summer. Self-fruitful, best in zones 5-10.
Canby Thornless Raspberry
Thornless - the only red thornless raspberry. Large to very large fruit are firm, juicy and of fine flavor. Good for all uses. Viroid and aphid resistant. Very winter hardy, grows best in cooler summer areas. Harvest June, July. Self-fruitful, best in zones 4-9.
Chester Blackberry
Thornless - Very large, sweet, high quality fruit. Flavorful even prior to peak ripeness. Semi-trailing growth habit, disease resistant. Well-known for winter hardiness. Self-fruitful. Best in zones 5-7; however, good production and flavor noted in zones 8–10.
Fall Gold Raspberry
Everbearing - Hybrid of Taylor X wild Korean mountain berry X Fall Red. Large to very large golden berries of excellent flavor. Extremely sweet and soft textured. Very adaptable and winter hardy. Harvest June through fall. Self-fruitful. Best in zones 4-11.
Navaho Blackberry
Upright, thornless. 1988 University of Arkansas introduction. Superb flavor in a small berry. Fruit is firm with significantly smaller seeds than other thornless varieties. Upright canes require no support. Popular with home gardeners and commercial producers alike. USDA Zone 6-10.
Raspberry Shortcake®
This dwarf, thornless bush raspberry thrives in a patio pot or in the landscape. It produces an abundant crop of sweet raspberries in midsummer. Self-fruitful. Zones 4-9. Est. chill requirement 500 hours or less. U.S. plant patent no. 22141.
Triple Crown Blackberry
Thornless - Named for its three crowning attributes: flavor, productivity and vigor. Large, firm and flavorful berries. Can produce up to 30 lbs. of fruit per vine. Great for fresh use and canning. Long, semi-trailing canes require support. Highly adaptable. Summer harvest. Self-fruitful. Best in zones 5-10.
Goji Berry
Lycium barbarum (aka Wolfberry) Highly acclaimed for high nutrient and antioxidant value. Recently termed a superfood. Ripe berries can be used fresh, dried, frozen and in teas. Goji has an appealing spicy, nutty flavor. Berries are bright red-orange when ripe. Harvest summer through fall. Shrubby plant to 8-12 ft. or prune to desired manageable size. Hardy to sub-zero and very drought tolerant once established. Requires neutral to slightly alkaline soil. Well adapted to container growing. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 4-11.
Black Velvet Gooseberry
Produces heavy crops of delicious large and sweet deep purple berries. These berries resemble blueberries when allowed to fully ripen on the vine. Very mildew and disease resistant along with being very winter hardy. Best in zones 4 - 8. Self-fruitful.
Hinnomaki Red Gooseberry
Medium-sized red berry that has a slightly tangy skin and very sweet flesh. The bush has an upright growing habit and is mildew and disease resistant. More adaptable to warmer winter climates. Zone 4-9. Self-fruitful.
Black Monukka Seedless Grape
Large, purplish-black, sweet, crisp. Does not require as much summer heat as Thompson. Use fresh or for raisins. Early midseason. 100 hours. Self-fruitful. Cane or spur prune.
Cabernet Sauvignon Grape
Late season red wine grape with small, black, strongly flavored berry. Vigorous, upright vine. 100 hours. Self-fruitful. Cane prune.
Concord Seedless Grape
American grape, a sport of Concord. Berries very similar to Concord, but seedless (or seeds very rare). Bluish-black skin, green flesh, distinctive Concord flavor. 100 hours. Self-fruitful. Cane prune.
Crimson Seedless Grape
Newer late season seedless grape, ripens early October in Fresno, CA. Medium size, firm, very sweet, excellent quality. Cane prune. 100 hours. Self-fruitful.
Flame Seedless Grape
Medium-sized, light red. Crisp, sweet, excellent flavor. For fresh use or raisins. Needs hot summer. Ripens before Thompson. Vigorous. 100 hours. Self-fruitful. Cane or spur prune.
Golden Muscat Grape
American/European hybrid. Large, eggshaped berries are pale golden yellow when ripe. Characteristic European muscat flavor and aroma. 100 hours. Self-fruitful. Spur prune.
Merlot Grape
Black berry, used for distinctive red wines. Best quality in cooler regions. 100 hours. Self-fruitful. Cane or spur prune.
Pinot Noir Grape
Small black berries that yield the famous French Burgundy wines. Requires cool summers, cane pruning. Early harvest. 100 hours. Self-fruitful.
Princess Seedless Grape
Exceptional, seedless, greenish-white table grape with a mild Muscat flavor. Released in 1999 by USDA Ag Research Station in Fresno. Considered by many to be an “Improved Thompson Seedless”. Ripens late July- midAugust in Central Calif. Large, firm fruit in large, semi-compact clusters. 100 hours. Self- fruitful. Cane prune.
Ruby Seedless Grape
Dark red, sweet, crisp, excellent fresh or for raisins. Ripens after Thompson Seedless. Requires less summer heat than Thompson or Flame. 100 hours. Self-fruitful. Cane or spur prune.
Thompson Seedless Grape
Most popular grape in CA, AZ. Fresh and raisins. Pale green, very sweet. Thin the clusters for larger berries. Needs plenty of heat. 100 hours. Self-fruitful. Cane prune.
Zinfandel Grape
For fruity red wines. Medium size, round, juicy, reddish-black berry, early midseason. Prefers mild winters, cool summer. Heavy bearing. 100 hours. Self-fruitful. Cane or spur prune.
All-in-One Genetic Semi-Dwarf Almond
No. 1 almond for home orchards. Heavy crops of soft shell nuts with sweet, flavorful kernels. Hot summer required to ripen. 15 ft. tree, very winter and frost hardy. 300-400 hrs. Self-fruitful. (Zaiger)
Colossal Chestnut
Thought to be a hybrid of Asian and European chestnuts. High quality medium to large size nuts fall easily from hull, are easy to peel. Large, long-lived, spreading tree. 400-500 hours. Pollenized by Nevada or Colossal seedling.
Nevada Chestnut
Pollenizer for Colossal - also a good producer. One Nevada can pollenize 8 to 10 Colossal trees. Not tolerant of alkaline soil. 400-500 hours. Pollenized by Colossal.
Mohawk Pecan
Very large, thin-shelled nut, excellent quality. Earliest maturing, so more widely adapted than others. Attractive tree is vigorous, bears young and heavy. Good choice for home planting. 250 hours. Self-fruitful.
Pawnee Pecan
Newer early harvest variety. Adapted to growing seasons too short for Mahan or Western Schley, such as the northern Central Valley in California. Medium to large, thin-shelled nut. 250 hours. Partly self-fruitful, or plant with Mohawk.
Tejas Pecan
Medium size, thin shelled, fine flavor. Very vigorous, very precocious, heavy bearing. Densely foliated, attractive tree. Harvest early midseason. 250 hours. Self-fruitful.
Western Schley Pecan
Easy to grow, hardy tree. Less fussy about soil and nutrition. Long, tapered, medium-sized, thin-shelled nuts. Fine quality, midseason. 250 hours. Self-fruitful
Kerman Female Pistachio
Long hot summers required to ripen. Plant from containers only, do not disturb root ball when handling. Very slow-growing to 20-30 ft. Drought-resistant. 800 hours. Pollenized by Peters.
Peters Male Pistachio
Pollenizer for Kerman. Does not bear fruit. One Peters pollenizes up to eleven females. Plant from containers only. Drought-resistant once established. 800 hours.
Ambassador Carpathian Walnut
Cold hardy Carpathian hybrid for severe climates, from Idaho. 1 1/4 inch nuts, thin shell, well sealed. Plump, light-colored kernels, excellent flavor. Young trees set heavy crops. 600 hours. Self fruitful. (Rootstock: NCB walnut.)
Carmelo Walnut
Late leafing and blooming, adapted to colder climate than Hartley or other popular English walnuts. Very large, well filled nut. 700 hours. Self-fruitful. (Rootstock: NCB walnut or Paradox.)
Chandler Walnut
Developed by U.C. Davis. Heavy bearing (bears on lateral buds, not just terminals like Hartley). High quality light-colored nuts. Smaller tree than Hartley, good choice for backyard walnut. Fall harvest. 700 hours. Self-fruitful. (Rootstock: NCB walnut or Paradox.)
Franquette Walnut
Last English walnut to leaf out, less susceptible to spring frost damage. Very large tree, excellent shade. Fair production of well sealed, thin-shelled, high quality nuts. Pollenizer for Hartley. 700 hours. Self-fruitful. (Rootstock: NCB walnut or Paradox.)
Hartley Walnut
Former long-time No. 1 walnut in California for its quality and dependability. Large, thin-shelled, well-sealed nut. Light-colored flavorful kernel. 700 hours. Self-fruitful. (Rootstock: NCB walnut.)
Idaho Carpathian Walnut
Cold hardy carpathian-type. Large, sweet, high quality kernel. Bears young and heavy. Vigorous tree. 700 hours. Self-fruitful. (Rootstock: NCB walnut.)
Livermore Red Walnut
The unique red kernal of Livermore Red has attracted quite a following among Farmers Market growers and specialty stores. The growth characteristics are similar to Chandler walnut. This U.C. Davis introduction is self-fruitful and requires 700 chill hours. (Rootstock: NCB walnut or Paradox.)
Pedro Walnut
Very small tree, less than 2/3 the size of other varieties. Well-sealed nut, similar to Payne, has perhaps the finest-flavored kernel - winner of consumer taste tests. Widely adapted, excellent choice for home planting. 400 hours. Self fruitful. (Rootstock: NCB walnut or Paradox.)
Akebono Flowering Cherry
Prunus yedoensis 'Akebono'
Early, single, pale pink flowers. Graceful, open growth habit to 25 ft. Magnificent in bloom.
Kwanzan Flowering Cherry
Prunus serrulata 'Kwanzan'
Spectacular, large, double, rosy pink flowers, drooping clusters. Midseason bloom, long blooming period. Upright tree to 30 ft.
Mt. Fuji Flowering Cherry
Prunus serrulata 'Mt. Fuji'
Early, semi-double white, aging to purplish-pink. Horizontal habit, 20 ft. high.
Snow Fountains Weeping Flowering Cherry
Prunus 'Snow Fountains'
Semi-double pure white flowers, graceful weeping growth habit. Small tree, to 12-15 ft. high and as wide. Finely branched tree is easily pruned for size and shape. Golden yellow to orange fall color. Hardy to cold and heat. Requires good drainage.
Weeping Flowering Cherry
Prunus subhirtella 'Pendula'
Prunus subhirtella ‘pendula’) Showy double pink flowers. High-grafted at about six feet, tree grows to 12-18 ft. Graceful weeping limbs nearly reach the ground. Requires good drainage. Cold hardy. Not tolerant of desert heat.
Yoshino Flowering Cherry
Prunus yedoensis 'Yoshino'
Early display of light pink to white, fragrant, single blossoms. Fast growth to 40 by 30 ft. Rounded, open canopy with graceful, curving branches. Light gray bark. Glossy, bright green foliage.
Prairifire Flowering Crabapple
Crimson buds followed by long-lasting, single, hot pink blossoms. Persistent dark red fruit. New foliage reddish maroon, aging to reddish green. Highly resistant to fire blight, scab, cedar apple rust and powdery mildew. Tree form is upright, spreading, eventually round. 20 by 20 ft.
Peppermint Flowering Peach
Prunus persica 'Peppermint'
Naturally-occurring, artistic assortment of red, white, pink and variegated double flowers. Very showy and unusual. Fast growth to 20 ft. high by 20 ft. wide.
Blireiana Flowering Plum
Prunus cerasifera x P. mume
New growth reddish-purple turning greenish-bronze. Spectacular double-pink fragrant flowers. Little or no fruit. Graceful 25 ft. tree.
Krauter Vesuvius Flowering Plum
Prunus cerasifera 'Krauter Vesuvius'
Dark purple leaves, light pink blossoms, little or no fruit. Relatively small tree, 18 ft. high by 12 ft. wide. Favorite purple leaf plum for California. Foliage of newly planted trees sometimes greenish until vigorous growth begins. Traditional K.V. form: 30" trunk. Also grown and sold as low-head (18" trunk) and high-head (5 ft. trunk).
Krauter Vesuvius Flowering Plum, 5 ft. trunk
Dark purple leaves, light pink blossoms, little or no fruit. Relatively small tree, 18 ft. high by 12 ft. wide. Favorite purple leaf plum for California. Foliage of newly planted trees sometimes greenish until vigorous growth begins. 5 ft. trunk.
Krauter Vesuvius Flowering Plum, low head
Dark purple leaves, light pink blossoms, little or no fruit. Relatively small tree, 18 ft. high by 12 ft. wide. Favorite purple leaf plum for California. Foliage of newly planted trees sometimes greenish until vigorous growth begins. Low head form: 18" trunk.
Purple Pony Flowering Plum
Prunus cerasifera 'Purple Pony'
Showy purple foliage holds its color all season. Believed to be sterile. Height at full maturity 10-12 feet. Single pale pink flower. Hardy to USDA Zone 5.
Purple Pony Flowering Plum High-Head
Prunus cerasifera 'Purple Pony'
Showy purple foliage holds its color all season. Believed to be sterile (no fruit). Height at full maturity 10-12 feet. Single pale pink flower. Hardy to USDA Zone 5. Grown and sold as low-head (18" trunk) and high-head (3 ft. trunk).
Thundercloud Flowering Plum
Prunus cerasifera 'Thundercloud'
Abundant, light pink to white flowers, dark purple leaves. Sometimes has small fruits suitable for jam/jelly. Rounded shape to 20 ft. high by 20 ft. wide.
California White Alder
Alnus rhombifolia
(Alnus rhombifolia) Fast-growing, very tolerant of heat and wind. Dark green foliage. Prefers plenty of water. Deep watering recommended. Seeds attract birds. 50-80 ft. by 40 ft. USDA zones 6-9.
Raywood Ash
Fraxinus oxycarpa 'Raywoodi'
Fast growing, tolerates heat, cold, alkaline soil. Compact, round-headed. Small, delicate leaves, lacy appearance. Purplish-red fall color. No seeds. 25-35 ft.
Quaking Aspen
Populus tremuloides
(Populus tremuloides) Very distinctive tree - light green round leaves flutter and shimmer in the slightest breeze. Fast growing to 40-60 ft. Smooth bark, light gray-green to almost white. Bright yellow fall color. USDA Zones 6-8.
Dura-Heat® River Birch
Betula nigra 'BNMTF'
Highly resistant to birch borers and miner. Less vigorous than Betula nigra species. White bark, dense canopy of dark green leaves.
European White Birch
Betula pendula (B. alba)
Most popular deciduous tree in the West. 30-40 ft. high, with weeping side branches and delicate, lacy foliage. White bark. Does best with ample water and fertilizer. Sunset zones 1-11, 14-24. USDA zones 6-9.
European White Birch, clump
Betula pendula (B. alba)
(Betula pendula) Most popular deciduous tree in the West. 30-40 ft. high, with weeping side branches and delicate, lacy foliage. White bark. Does best with ample water and fertilizer. USDA zones 6-9. Sold as single-trunk tree or clump (3 or more stems).
Jacquemonti Birch
Betula jacquemontii
(Betula jacquemontii) Whitest bark of all birches. Upright, narrow growth to 50 by 30 ft. Dark green, leathery leaves. Needs ample water, regular feeding.
Western Catalpa
Catalpa speciosa
Widely adapted - cold or hot climates. All soils. Large, heart-shaped leaves, long seed capsules shaped like beans. White flowers in late spring and summer. Flowers & pods litter beneath tree. 40-60 ft. high.
Morning Cloud Chitalpa
Chitalpa tashkentensis 'Morning Cloud'
(Chitalpa tashkentensis `Morning Cloud’) Chilopsis linearis x Catalpa bignonioides. Very fast growing, single or multi-stemmed tree reaches 20 by 20 ft. Drought tolerant. Large clusters of purple-throated, trumpet-shaped white flowers. Long, narrow, attractive, glossy green leaves. Well adapted to low desert climates of southwestern USDA Zones 7-10
Pink Dawn Chitalpa
Chitalpa tashkentensis 'Pink Dawn'
Chilopsis linearis x Catalpa bignonioides. Very fast-growing, relatively small single or multi-trunked tree, reaches approximately 20 by 20 ft. Very drought tolerant. Large clusters of trumpet-shaped flowers in summer are pale purplish-pink with pale yellow throat. Long, narrow, attractive, glossy green leaves. Hybridized in Russia. Adapted to Southern California and low desert climates of the Southwestern U.S.
Western Cottonwood (Cottonless)
Populus fremontii
(COTTONLESS) (Populus fremontii) Fast-growing to 60 ft. or more, by 30 ft. wide. Shimmering leaves are especially distinctive, orna- mental. Widely adapted, including desert. Yellow fall color. Invasive roots. USDA Zones 6 to 10.
Drake Evergreen Elm
Ulmus parvifolia 'Drake'
(Ulmus parvifolia ‘Drake’) Deciduous in cold climates, evergreen elsewhere. Very fast growth to 50 ft. Long arching/weeping limbs, tree wider than tall. Virtually pest/disease-free. USDA Zones 6-10.
True Green Elm
Ulmus parvifolia 'True Green'
(Ulmus parvifolia ‘True Green’) Graceful rounded tree is fast growing to 30-40 ft. with nearly evergreen foliage. Well adapted to any soil and weather conditions, drought tolerant. USDA Zones 6-10.
Chinese Fringe Tree
Chionanthus retusus
Magnificent in bloom. Moderate grower to 20 ft. Flowers in clusters to 4 inches in length.
Golden Chain
Laburnum x watereri 'Vossii'
(Laburnum vossii) Small tree to 30 ft. Green bark, clover-like bright green leaves. Yellow flowers in wisteria-like 10- to 20-inch-long clusters. Prefers neutral to acidic soil, not tolerant of extreme heat. Relatively pest free. USDA Zones 6-9
Golden Rain Tree
Koelreuteria paniculata
(Koelreuteria paniculata) Slowly reaches 30 by 30 ft. Open habit, gives light shade. Compound leaves, yellow flower clusters, ornamental seed pods. Tolerates heat, wind, drought, cold, alkaline soil. USDA Zones 6-10.
Chinese Hackberry
Celtis sinensis
(Celtis sinensis) Deciduous shade tree, similar to elm, but smaller. Glossy, scallop-toothed, dark green leaves. Deep-rooted, tolerates heat, wind, drought, alkaline soil. 30-40 ft., spreading growth habit. USDA zones 6-9.
Purple Robe Locust
Robinia pseudoacacia 'Purple Robe'
Shapely deciduous tree to 40 ft. Tolerates heat/cold/poor soil/drought. Small leaflets, reddish new growth. Large, purplish pink showy flowers, prolonged bloom. Deep watering recommended. Alternate scientific name Robinia x ambigua 'Purple Robe'. All zones.
Bloodgood London Plane
Platanus x acerfolia 'Bloodgood'
Fast-growing deciduous tree to 80 ft. Large maple-like leaves, distinctive patchy bark pattern. Resists anthracnose, tolerates smog. Very desirable for street, park, and lawn plantings. Sunset Zones 2-24. USDA zones 6-10.
Yarwood London Plane
Platanus x acerfolia 'Yarwood'
(Platanus x acerifolia ‘Yarwood’) Similar to Bloodgood London Plane. Fast-growing to 80 ft. tall by 30-40 ft. wide. Excellent for city plantings, streets and parks. Thought to be more resistant to anthracnose than other Sycamores. USDA Zones 6-10.
Autumn Blaze® Maple
Acer x freemanii 'Jeffersred'
(Acer × freemanii ‘Jeffersred’) Hybrid of silver maple and red maple. Has character and fall color similar to red maple with adaptability comparable to silver maple. Dense oval shaped canopy. Bright red to orange fall color. Drought tolerant. USDA zones 5-9.
Autumn Fantasy® Maple
Acer x freemanii 'Autumn Fantasy'
Acer × freemanii ‘DTR 102’) Hybrid of red maple and silver maple. Bright red fall color, even in warm climates. Fast-growing, strong-limbed, tolerates alkaline soil, drought. USDA zones 5-9.
October Glory® Maple
Acer rubrum 'PNI 0268'
(Acer rubrum ‘PNI 0268’) Nearly round canopy, glossy green foliage. Better suited to mild winter/hot summer climates than other red maples. Showy red fall color. Ample soil moisture required. Reaches 40 by 35 ft. Zones 5-10.
Red Sunset® Maple
Acer rubrum 'Franksred'
(Acer rubrum ‘HOSR’) Upright growth to 40 ft., oval-shaped canopy. Glossy, dark green leaves. Bright red or orange-red fall color. Ample soil moisture required. USDA Zones 4-9.
Wilson Mimosa
Albizia julibrissin 'Wilson'
(Albizzia julibrissin ‘Wilson’) Rapid growth to 35 ft. high by 50 ft. wide. Fernlike branches, pink pompom flowers. Tolerates hot summer, desert conditions. Drought tolerant, but best with ample water. USDA Zones 6-10.
Fruitless Mulberry
Morus alba 'Fruitless'
Fast-growing, to 40 by 50 ft., dense shade. Tolerates summer heat, alkaline soil. Drought tolerant, but best with ample water and feeding. Not necessary to prune back to trunk each winter. All zones.
Red Oak
Quercus rubra
(Quercus rubra) Large, slow-growing, round-topped tree to 90 ft. Deciduous. Large leaves, fall color is red to reddish-brown, sometimes orange. Needs fertile soil and ample water. Deep root system. USDA Zones 4-9.
Scarlet Oak
Quercus coccinea
Bright red fall color if autumn nights are cold. Open growth habit, grows moderately fast in good soil to 60 ft. or more. Deeply cut lobed leaves. Deep-rooted: good lawn and street tree. All Sunset Zones, especially 1-11,14,15, 18-20.
Shumard Oak
Quercus shumardii
Closely resembles Scarlet Oak. Open growth habit, grows moderately fast in good soil to 60 ft. or more. Deeply cut lobed leaves. Yellow and red fall colors. Tolerant of acidic and poorly drained soils. Sunset Zones 4-9,12, 14-17.
Regent® Pagoda Tree
Styphnolobium japonicum (Sophora japonica) 'Regent'
Very fast growing, large glossy leaves, virtually pest free. Uniform growth, reaching 50 by 45 ft. Oak-like bark, dark green leaflets. Interesting flower clusters and seed pods in late summer. Yellow fall color. All zones.
Avondale Redbud
Cercis chinensis 'Avondale'
Open shrub form to 10-12 ft. Glossy, bright green leaves. Spectacular 3-5 inch flower clusters of deep purple. Sunset Zones 4-20. USDA zones 4-9.
Forest Pansy Redbud
Cercis canadensis 'Forest Pansy'
(Cercis canadensis `Forest Pansy’) Striking scarlet-colored new foliage turning maroon then green as the leaves mature. Highly valued as a landscape accent. Swelling buds break pinkish-red along the bare branches, similar to Eastern redbud. Moderate grower to 20 ft. with a spreading habit. USDA Zones 4-9.
Oklahoma Redbud
Cercis canadensis 'Oklahoma'
(Cercis canadensis ‘Oklahoma’) Spectacular purplish-red flower clusters in early spring (after flowering plums, before flowering crabapples). Attractive tree with round-shaped canopy and glossy, heart-shaped leaves. Tolerates hot summers. Largest of the redbuds, to 30-35 ft. USDA Zones 4-9.
Western Redbud
Cercis occidentalis
(Cercis occidentalis) Single or multi-trunked tree to 15 by 15 ft. Spectacular, bright purplish-pink sweet-pea-shaped flowers. Yellow to red fall color. Drought tolerant, resistant to oak root fungus. USDA Zones 4-9.
Western Redbud, clump
Cercis occidentalis
Single or multi-trunked tree to 15 by 15 ft. Spectacular, bright purplish-pink sweet-pea-shaped flowers. Yellow to red fall color. Drought tolerant, resistant to oak root fungus. Sunset Zones 2-24. Clump form is a multi-trunked tree.
California Native Sycamore
Platanus racemosa
Large tree to 80-100 ft. Large, light green leaves, lobed like maple. Mottled, multi-colored trunks due to bark shedding in patches. Tolerates heat, wind, likes deep watering in summer. Sunset Zones 4-24. USDA zones 5-10.
Columbia Sycamore
Platanus x acerfolia 'Columbia'
Similar to London planes, but having greater resistance to anthracnose. Fast-growing to 80 ft. Large maple-like leaves, distinctive patchy bark pattern. Very desirable for street, park, and lawn plantings. Sunset zones 2-24. USDA zones 4-10.
Fan Giant Blue Willow
Salix blanda 'Fan Giant'
Reported to be less susceptible to borers than standard willow. Very vigorous. Leaves bluish green. Broader than standard willow, growth habit somewhat less weeping. 40-50 ft., wider than tall. All zones.
Weeping Willow
Salix babylonica
Fast-growing, cold hardy, short dormant period. Long narrow leaves, pronounced weeping growth habit. Needs plenty of water. Stake high to develop usable area underneath. 30 by 30 ft. or larger.