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Where to Buy DWN Trees
Sour Cherry, Natural Dwarf & Semi-dwarf on Mahaleb
Mahaleb is the most winter hardy of the commonly used cherry rootstocks. Sweet cherries slightly dwarfed, no dwarfing effect on sour types. Induces early, heavy bearing. Resists crown gall, bacterial canker, some nematodes. Not tolerant of wet soils. Trees may be held to any desired height by summer pruning.
Natural dwarf to 7 ft. Large 1” fruit is the sweetest of the sour cherries. Ripens late August. Discovered near Edmonton, Alberta Canada: hardy to -40. Self-fruitful. Est. chill requirement 400-700 hours. USDA Zones 3-9.
Large, bright red fruit similar to Montmorency, used mostly for cooking. Tart, juicy, meaty flesh colorless juice. Attractive, naturally small tree (10-12 ft.) with lush, dark green foliage. Blooms and harvests one week later than Montmorency. Hardy to -50 deg F when fully dormant. From Minnesota, introduced in 1952. 800 hours. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 4-9.
Attractive, densely foliated, naturally small tree grows to about 8-10 ft. Hardy to -40 deg F, very productive, resists cracking and brown rot. Often bears in second year. Large, meaty, tart, red-skinned fruit with red juice. Excellent for pies and cobblers, also used fresh when fully ripe. From Minnesota, introduced in 1950. 500 hours. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 4-9.