- Overview
- Retail Nurseries, Northern Calif. Coastal Counties
- Retail Nurseries, Northern California Inland Counties
- Retail Nurseries, Southern California
- Retail Nurseries Outside California
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- Variety Finder
- Map - DWN Retail Sources, U.S.
- Map - DWN Retailers, Northern & Central Calif.
- Map - DWN Retailers, Southern Calif.
- Map - Nearest Retailers, No. Calif. (enter a ZIP)
- Map - Nearest Retailers, So. Calif. (enter a ZIP)
Where to Buy DWN Trees
Sour Cherry (standard)
Grown on Mahaleb (non-dwarfing for sour cherries) and/or Mazzard rootstock. Trees may be held to any desired height by summer pruning.
Heavy-producing, widely adapted tree: vigorous and healthy in many climates and soils. Grows to 15-18' tall. Early-ripening, flavorful, juicy, bright red fruit used primarily for cooking and canning. Sometimes used fresh when fully ripe. Origin unknown, planted in England in the early 1500s. 700 hours. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 4-9.
Large, light red skin, yellow flesh. Perfect for cobblers, pies, etc. Extremely winter hardy. Very heavy bearing. 500 hours. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 4-9.