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Where to Buy DWN Trees
Pear, Asian, Semi-dwarf on OHxF333
European and Asian pears on OHxF333 are dwarfed to about 2/3 the size of standard, or about 12-15 ft. Widely adapted, disease-resistant. Trees may be held to any desired height by summer pruning.
Juicy, sweet, mild flavored fruit is crisp like an apple. Early to mid-August in Central CA. Keeps well. Easy to grow, heavy bearing small tree. 300-400 hours. Self-fruitful or pollenized. by Shinseiki, Bartlett, or other.
Consistently rated the best-tasting Asian pear at Dave Wilson Nursery fruit tastings. Large, juicy, sweet, flavorful, refreshing, crisp like an apple. Brownish-orange russeted skin. Harvest early to mid-August in Central CA. 300-400 hours. Pollenized by Shinko, Chojuro, Bartlett, or 20th Century.
Late ripening - September in Central CA - and excellent quality. Juicy, sweet, flavorful, refreshing, crisp like an apple. Golden brown russeted skin. Shows fire blight resistance. 450 hours. Pollenized by Hosui, Chojuro, Kikusui, Bartlett
Juicy, sweet, refreshing, crisp like an apple. Easy to grow. Keeps well. Harvest late July/early August in Central CA. Bright yellow skin. Vigorous, heavy bearing (usually by 2nd year). 250-300 hours. Self-fruitful.
Assumed to be a chance cross of TENN (also known as Tennessee pear) and Hosui pear. Crisp, bell-shaped fruit matures late July to early August and is very productive. Cut fruit remains crisp and tasty and is slow to oxidize. Shows resistance to fire blight. 150-450 hrs. Self-fruitful.