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Commercial Catalog
Peaches, Canning Clingstone
Canning clings have long been an important tree crop in California's Central Valley. Canneries are currently approving new plantings of Klamath, Late Ross, Lilleland, Loadel, Ross, Stanislaus, Starn and Sullivan #4. All varieties listed below are yellow-fleshed.

Large, firm fruit with attractive orange skin. Ripening occurs relatively uniformly throughout the upright-growing tree. Compared to Stanislaus peach, American ripens earlier, is firmer and more uniform in size. Very good flavor and eating quality; good balance of acid and sugar. Harvest in July. Estimated chilling requirement 700 hours. (U.S. Plant Patent No. 27828)
A very good quality canning peach, the Andross variety is harvested the first week of August and offers excellent size and color. The semi-upright, medium-sized tree is highly productive.
Introduced in 1971 to fill the early August harvest window, the Bowen peach matures on August 3rd. The fruit is medium to large, soft, and sometimes shows green pockets in the fruit. The tree is productive.
Fruit of large size and attractive orange skin ripens relatively uniformly throughout the tree. Compared to Stanislaus peach, Calaveras is firmer, ripens earlier and is more uniform in size. Good flavor and eating quality; good balance of acid and sugar. Harvest in July. Estimated chilling requirement 800 hours. (U.S. Plant Patent No. 27351)
With a maturity date of July 22, the Carson peach is prized for its very early harvest time, and its very good fruit size and canning quality. The semi-upright tree is somewhat willowy.
The Dr. Davis peach was introduced by the University of California in 1982. This selection matures on August 16 with excellent firmness and cold storage capability. The tree is upright and productive, yielding fruit of good size and color.
Introduced by the University of California, the Goodwin peach offers uniform yellow-gold flesh color without red staining. This canning variety matures on July 28 with fruit that is angular to round in shape with a slight tip. Since this variety is susceptible to split pits, it is quickly losing grower popularity to the Klamath peach. The Goodwin tree is vigorous and upright with a spreading growth habit. (U.S. Plant Patent No. 13911)
An industry standard since its introduction in 1921, Halford is a late canning peach with a maturity date of August 22. The vigorous, semi-upright tree produces large, firm fruit of consistently good quality.
The Hesse peach ripens uniformly for minimum pickings. Hesse matures on August 28 with high quality, firm fruit. This very productive variety offers fruit of good flavor, with no tendency to split pits. (U.S. Plant Patent No. 8332)
Kader Cling Peach
Univ. of Calif. selection. Generally similar to Carson and Andross, maturing about six days before Andross in late July/early August. No red staining at pit. Mature fruit holds well on the tree for a week, allowing a delayed single harvest.
Klamath is a recent cling peach introduction from Zaiger Genetics that growers appreciate for its early harvest time. Klamath ripens with Andross in the first week of August and produces high yields. This variety has become the industry favorite because it is firm, sizes easily and hangs well on the tree. The tree is medium size and very productive. (U.S. Plant Patent No. 15557)
The Late Ross peach was discovered as a mutation of the Ross variety that matures on August 18th. This selection bears uniform fruit of good shape, color, size and firmness. The tree is vigorous and very productive with an upright spreading growth habit. (U.S. Plant Patent No. 11208)
The large, nearly symmetrical fruit of the Lilleland variety is harvested with Halford on August 22. Lilleland exhibits excellent canning qualities with no pit staining noted. This tree is productive and upright to spreading with good vigor. (U.S. Plant Patent No. 13028)
The Loadel peach features an extra early harvest date of July 17 along with good color and firmness. Loadel sizes well for an extra early peach. The tree is large, vigorous, and semi-spreading.
A heavy producer, the Monaco canning peach matures on August 19 with good size, color and firmness. The tree is large, with an upright spreading growth habit.
Maturing just before Dr. Davis, the Rizzi peach offers excellent storage qualities that are attractive to canneries for extending the processing season. This very productive variety offers high quality fruit of good flavor, medium size and firm texture. (U.S. Plant Patent No. 8394)
An industry standard since 1982, the Ross peach ripens on August 9. The fruit is large, uniform and moderately firm. The medium-sized tree is highly productive with a semi-upright growth habit.
The Stanislaus peach is an extra early cling developed by Zaiger's Genetics and available only to members of the California Canning Peach Association. Stanislaus matures on July 22 with or slightly ahead of Carson but with better fruit quality. The tree is very vigorous and productive maximizing returns for both cannery and grower.
A popular extra-late season cling, the Starn peach is harvested on August 25 and features large, uniform fruit with good color and firmness. Starn sizes well with minimal thinning. The tree is consistently productive.
Sullivan #4 is an extra-late canning peach with a harvest date of August 28. This peach is medium sized with uniform yellow color. The medium sized tree features uniform ripening.
Packing Variety, recommended for new plantings in the Fresno area. Within their harvest season, these varieties have demonstrated superior overall quality with respect to size, color, firmness, flavor, yield, storage and shipping. Used for apricot, cherry, nectarine, peach, plum and interspecific fruit types.
Farmers Market Favorite™: varieties that have demonstrated, where adapted, consistent production of especially desirable, high-flavored fruit for local farmers market/fruit stand distributiion.
Zaiger Variety: developed by Zaiger's Inc. Genetics of Modesto, California. Dave Wilson Nursery is the exclusive U.S. licensor and primary propagator.
Note: Fruit and nut varieties in the Commercial Catalog are offered exclusively to commercial growers in commercial quantities for the purpose of commercial fruit and nut production. Products in this catalog are not offered for resale.