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Commercial Catalog
In recent years the Dave Wilson Nursery cherry inventory has been greatly expanded to include many new large-sized, crack-resistant and self-fertile varieties as well as earlier- and later-maturing selections.
Cherry Maturity Chart, out-of-state version
Cherry Bloom Sequence & Pollenizers
Rootstocks available for pre-bud orders: Mazzard, Mahaleb, Colt.
Growers: ask your sales rep about new cherry varieties and experimentals from Zaiger Genetics.

Benton is a mid-season premier-quality dark red sweet cherry similar to Bing in appearance, ripening two days ahead of Bing. The fruit is large with excellent firmness and superior flavor. Benton is self-fertile, consistently crops well and has a lower susceptibility to cracking than Bing. The tree is vigorous with a branching angle similar to Bing. (U.S. Plant Patent No. 15847)
The preeminent fresh-market cherry, Bing is well known as a large, dark red cherry with superb flavor and firm, juicy flesh. Bing matures mid-season on a large, vigorous tree. Bing cherries ship well, but will crack if exposed to rain. Requires a pollenizer. Estimated chilling requirement 700 hours.
BlackGold™ is a widely recommended self-fertile sweet cherry for commercial and home growing. The heart-shaped fruit has dark red skin, moderately firm dark purple flesh and good flavor; peak eating quality is reached when brix is 16 or higher. BlackGold™, a late bloomer, is very frost tolerant and a good late season pollenizer. Production is consistently heavy; harvest is about one week after Bing. (U.S. Plant Patent No. 13791)
BlackPearl® is an early cherry with exceptional firmness and storability, ripening 8 to 10 days before Bing, with Chelan™. This large cherry is firm and crunchy with excellent flavor, 20% sugar and a low incidence of cracking. The vigorous, upright tree is a heavy producer.
Developed by the University of California, Brooks is a large, firm red cherry that tolerates hot climates. Brooks ripens ahead of Bing and requires a pollenizer such as Early Burlat, Tulare or Rainier. This variety is very susceptible to cracking in rain.
A large mid-season dark red cherry with above average firmness and superior flavor, Burgundy® averages 12g in weight and 22% sugar. This firm and crunchy cherry ripens 3 to 5 days before Bing and has a long harvest period. The productive tree is vigorous and hardy with resistance to canker. Burgundy® has also displayed a low frequency of cracking.
The medium-sized Chelan™ cherry is tasty when picked at its best tart flavor. Ripening 11 to 14 days ahead of Bing, Chelan™ is firm and attractive with mahogany red skin and medium to dark red flesh. The bloom is prolific and generally overlaps Bing. This variety has shown some tolerance to cracking. Cross-pollinators include Rainier, Bing, Lapins and Sweetheart™. Tieton™ is incompatible with Chelan™.
Coral Champagne is a low-acid cherry with glossy dark flesh and very sweet flavor that is similar to Bing. Maturing in early midseason 5 days after Chelan, this export-quality fruit is firm and large to very large. The tree is precocious and bears heavily and consistently. Coral Champagne has a rain cracking susceptibility similar to Bing. Requires a pollenizer and is interfruitful with Bing and Brooks.
Cristalina™ is an early-maturing cherry that ripens approximately 5 days before Bing. Developed from Star and Van cultivars, Cristalina™ is heart-shaped and plump with dark red-to-black skin and firm, dark flesh. Sweet and moderately large on long thick stems, Cristalina™ can be picked stemless. The tree is very productive with wide spreading branches. Requires cross-pollination and is interfruitful with Bing, Rainier, and Skeena™.
As its name implies, Early Burlat ripens in the early season. It is firmer than Black Tartarian, softer than Bing and known for its consistent productivity of medium-sized, Bing-like cherries. Early Burlat is resistant to bacterial canker and cracking. The tree is moderately vigorous and spreading. Needs a pollenizer and is a good pollenizer for Bing.
With remarkable size (9.5 row), EbonyPearl™ is an eye-pleasing, mid-season cherry that ripens 1 to 3 days before Bing. Moderately firm and crunchy, EbonyPearl™ is dark red with excellent flavor and high brix, averaging 21. The stems are long and securely attached. The tree is spreading, vigorous and healthy with good resistance to canker. EbonyPearl™ has excellent crack resistance, averaging just 4% cracking during an inch of rain in the 2008 season.
Very large fruit is the hallmark of the Lapins cherry. Lapins cherries are firm and crack-resistant with a mahogany-red skin and lighter red flesh. Self-fruitful, Lapins ripens 10-14 days after Bing in the Northwest and 5-7 days after Bing in the Central Valley of California. Lapins is crack-resistant, similar to Van in color and resembles Stella in shape. Estimated chilling requirement 500 hours.
Minnie Royal is a medium-sized red cherry that is mainly used as a pollenizer for Royal Lee. Firm and flavorful, Minnie Royal ripens 11-14 days ahead of Bing. Very productive with a pollenizer such as Royal Lee. Low chilling requirement estimated at 400-500 hours. (U.S. Plant Patent No. 12942)
Radiance Pearl® is an excellent Rainier-type cherry for the early season. The large, firm blush cherry ripens 5 to 7 days before Bing. Radiance Pearl® has exceptional flavor and eating qualities, the fruit averaging 11g with 20% sugar. Harvest is about one week before Bing. The heavy producing tree is hardy, vigorous and spreading. Radiance Pearl® shows some resistance to cracking and has good storage qualities.
The Rainier title has become well established as a promise of unmatched flavor. Rainier is a large, yellow cherry with a red blush and light yellow flesh. Exquisitely flavored with high sugar levels, this is a premium niche variety that ripens just after Bing. The tree is vigorous, early bearing and very productive with excellent cold weather hardiness. Rainier requires cross-pollination and is interfruitful with Bing, Black Tartarian, Craig's Crimson, and Lapins. Estimated chilling requirement 700 hours.
This very large, dark red, firm, late-season sweet cherry has much to recommend it. In addition to strong consumer acceptance for its sweet low-acid flavor, crunchy texture and eye appeal - commanding a premium price - Regina™ has excellent resistance to rain cracking and is proving to be one of the best shipping sweet cherries. For peak flavor, Regina™ should be harvested when brix is 20 or higher. This variety harvests about 10-12 days after Bing and is reported to store for up to five weeks. (U.S. Plant Patent No. 11530)
Ripening in mid-May, Rosie Rainier offers the unique flavor of a Rainier cherry in an extra large, fully colored fruit. The firm fruit matures about 2 weeks before Bing. Due to high color and good firmness, Rosie Rainier resists bruising and blemishes better than standard Rainier. Estimated chilling requirement 600 hours. (U.S. Plant Patent No. 19307)
An extra large, dark red cherry, Royal Ansel matures 10 to 14 days ahead of Bing and has excellent sweet cherry flavor. The fruit is very firm without giberellic acid and is susceptible to rain cracking. Royal Ansel is a strong tree with an upright growth habit and very productive, especially with dwarfing rootstocks. This variety has few doubles and spurs. A pollenizer is required; Royal Ansel blooms 2-3 days ahead of Bing. Estimated chilling requirement 750 hours. (U.S. Plant Patent No. 21835)
The very large, red-skinned fruit of Royal Brynn harvests in mid-May, about 12 days before Royal Edie, one week before Bing. The sweet fruit has very good flavor, with an average Brix of 19. This variety is a heavy producer with only a slight tendency to crack in wet weather. Royal Brynn handles well and keeps three weeks in storage. A pollenizer is required. Estimated chilling requirement 750 hours. (U.S. Plant Patent No. 22950)
In the San Joaquin Valley, packers have nicknamed Royal Edie and her sister, Royal Helen, as "darlings" because the fruit produced by this pollenizer pair is so attractive and flavorful that buyers never forget it. Royal Edie and Royal Helen bloom late and are harvested together in the first week of June. These varieties are so genetically similar that they can be packed together in the same box. The Royal Edie tree is upright in form and produces glossy mahogany fruit on thick long stems. This cherry does well in both high and low chill environments. (U.S. Plant Patent No. 19365)
Harvested with Bing, Royal Elaine offers larger size and less susceptibility to rain cracking, fruit doubling and spurs than Bing. The Royal Elaine cherry shows color and firmness comparable to Bing, and a balanced, sweet flavor (20.5% average Brix). Royal Elaine requires a pollenizer and has a winter chilling requirement of approximately 850 hours. (U.S. Plant Patent No. 22603)
Bred for the warm winter climates in California's southern San Joaquin Valley, Royal Hazel is a low-chill variety that bears consistently and sets uniformly. The highly flavored, red Royal Hazel cherry matures in the second week of May with a medium-sized, uniform Bing shape. Royal Hazel yields high packouts with very few doubles and spurs. This upright tree sets very firm fruit on long stems with a low instance of rain cracking and excellent shipping qualities. A pollenizer is required with Royal Hazel - it is interfruitful with Royal Lynn and Royal Lee. This cherry has an estimated chilling requirement of 500 hours. (U.S. Plant Patent No. 19920)
Royal Helen is the second of the new "darling" sisters known for producing premium-quality fruit. Royal Edie and Royal Helen can be planted together as pollenizers and packed in the same box. Both varieties mature three to five days after Bing, but offer better size and crack-resistance. The upright tree produces some doubles and spurs, similar to Bing, but has remarkably larger, more beautiful fruit. Growers have reported that 90 percent of the packout sized at 9.5 row or better. This cherry does well in both high and low chill environments. (U.S. Plant Patent No. 19595)
The heart-shaped Royal Lee cherry is an early-season favorite prized for its high productivity and excellent flavor. Royal Lee ripens 11-14 days ahead of Bing and can be cross-pollinated by Minnie Royal, Royal Lynn or Royal Hazel. This cherry has a low chilling requirement of 400 to 500 hours. (U.S. Plant Patent No. 12417)
Royal Lynn, a very early cherry, promises remarkable high-quality fruit. This medium-large, mahogany red cherry matures 16 to 18 days ahead of Bing with a sweet, rich flavor and beautiful long stems. An extremely firm cherry, Royal Lynn is not prone to cracks, spurs or doubles. Royal Lynn growers report good sizing, with most fruit packing between 10.5 and 9.5 row. Can be cross-pollinated by Minnie Royal or Royal Lee, but is most commonly planted with Royal Hazel. Low chilling requirement. (U.S. Plant Patent No. 19589)
A taste test winner, Royal Rainier is a large, firm yellow cherry that ripens 3 to 5 days ahead of Rainier. Royal Rainier holds well on the tree and offers good to excellent quality with slightly redder blush than standard Rainier. Royal Rainier can be pollinated by Bing, Black Tartarian or Lapins. Estimated chilling requirement 600 - 700 hours. (U.S. Plant Patent No. 10790)
This self-fertile sweet cherry is a 2018 introduction from the Zaiger breeding program. Royal Sonia has medium to large size, firm flesh, and an attractive red skin color; the fruit is especially flavorful, with a good balance of acid and sugar. Crops have been consistently good for nine consecutive years in the Zaiger orchards. This variety stores and ships well. Harvest is mid May in Central CA, about a week later than Royal Hazel. Estimated chilling requirement 650 hours. Self-fruitful. U.S. Plant Pat. No. 29090
Royal Tenaya is a very large, dark red cherry for the early market. This variety has an elegant long stem and a rich flavor that is not too tart. Royal Tenaya has performed well in rainy conditions and does not require giberellic acid. The tree is moderately spreading and moderately productive, showing few doubles and spurs. Royal Tenaya matures 14-20 days ahead of Bing, bloom is 12-14 days ahead of Bing. A pollenizer is required. Estimated chilling requirement 500 hours. (U.S. Plant Patent No. 21906)
An extremely large cherry for the very early market, the self-fertile Royal Tioga is currently in high demand. The very firm, red-skinned fruit has rose-colored flesh with a very good balanced flavor; the tree is large and vigorous with heavy production. Harvest is early May, twenty days before Bing. Bloom is early, 10-12 days before Bing. Estimated chilling requirement 500 hours. (U. S. Plant Patent No. 22779)
Highly regarded for flavor, Sandra Rose™ is a very large, Van-type cherry that ripens 3 days after Bing. The fruit is dark red, round and slightly compressed in shape with moderately firm flesh. The flavor is sweet and appetizing. The lustrous skin, uniform color and size makes Sandra Rose™ a very attractive packer, though the self-fertile tree is only a moderate producer. This variety appears to have a good tolerance to splitting.
The black Santina™ cherry is an early variety that matures 6 to 8 days before Van. Santina™ is moderately large and firm with a highly attractive, lustrous skin, a flattened heart shape and medium-long stems. Santina™ is a good choice for the early market. The tree is self-fertile, does not overset and is considered to be moderately tolerant to splitting.
Developed in British Columbia, Skeena™ is a sweet, kidney-shaped cherry with a dark red-to-black skin and dark red flesh. Skeena™ is self-fertile and ripens about 10 to 14 days after Bing. The fruit is very firm and appears to have good tolerance to rain-induced cracking. The upright-to-spreading tree is precocious and consistently productive. (U.S. Plant Patent No. 11392)
Sonata™ is indeed a memorable cherry: very large, very firm with lustrous mahogany-to-black skin, a plump kidney shape, fine-grained texture, prominent blossom dimple and a well-balanced, sweet flavor. Harvest begins around May 31st in the window between Bing and Lapins. The upright tree is self-fertile and vigorous. Sonata™ is a productive variety that bears well each year and shows a moderate susceptibility to natural cracking. (U.S. Plant Patent No. 11378)
Stardust™ is a large, firm, blush variety with a distinctive cream background color. Maturing 12 to 15 days after Bing in the Pacific Northwest, Stardust™ has the potential to extend the Rainier season. Like other blush varieties, growers may want to pick this variety more than once to attain maximum fruit color. Stardust™ is moderately split-resistant when compared to other blush cherries.
As the name suggests, Sweetheart™ is a large, bright red heart-shaped cherry. Sweetheart™ matures at the end of the season, about 5 to 7 days after Lapins and remains firm after picking. This self-fruitful cross of Van and Newstar is productive with good firmness, size and flavor. The tree is spreading and precocious, yielding heavy crops on all rootstocks. Sweetheart™ shows moderate cracking.
Tieton™, ripening 6 to 9 days before Bing, is a mildly sweet cherry with a beautiful, glossy mahogany red finish over medium red flesh. The fruit is very large with excellent firmness and a susceptibility to rain cracking similar to Bing. To encourage productivity, Tieton™ should be planted with more than one variety of pollenizer and/or more than 10% pollenizer density. Tieton™ pollenizers include Rainier, Bing, Van, Lapins and Sweetheart™. (U.S. Plant Patent No. 11385)
Tulare is a large, dark red, early season variety with good flavor that ripens 8 to 9 days ahead of Bing, but may not be as firm as Bing. Tulare requires a pollenizer and is often planted with Brooks.
Packing Variety, recommended for new plantings in the Fresno area. Within their harvest season, these varieties have demonstrated superior overall quality with respect to size, color, firmness, flavor, yield, storage and shipping. Used for apricot, cherry, nectarine, peach, plum and interspecific fruit types.
Farmers Market Favorite™: varieties that have demonstrated, where adapted, consistent production of especially desirable, high-flavored fruit for local farmers market/fruit stand distributiion.
Zaiger Variety: developed by Zaiger's Inc. Genetics of Modesto, California. Dave Wilson Nursery is the exclusive U.S. licensor and primary propagator.
Note: Fruit and nut varieties in the Commercial Catalog are offered exclusively to commercial growers in commercial quantities for the purpose of commercial fruit and nut production. Products in this catalog are not offered for resale.